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Health Benefits Of The Upward Bow-Pose(Urdhava Dhanurasna)

Last updated on May 28th, 2024 at 12:08 pm


The Upward bow pose is a great variation of the traditional bow pose. This pose’s name is “URDHVA DHANUASANA” in the Sanskrit language where




Also known as “Wheel Pose” or “Chakrasana” the spine bends backward pose. An advanced-level yoga pose helps in stretches and opens the whole body. This pose is a perfect combination of strength and balance. Strengthen abdominal muscles and improve physical and mental health.

Name-Wheel pose, Chakarasana, and Upward Bow Pose


Anatomy-Lower Back, Biceps, Triceps, Core and Glutes

Benefits Of The Upward Bow Pose

The upward bow pose boosts the entire body’s energy level, is a heart& lungs opener, and stretches the spine. Here are some Physical and mental benefits of this pose given the following are

  • Boost the entire body’s energy level by stimulating the thyroid and pituitary glands. It helps in the relief from anxiety and mild depression.
  • Heal the asthma and breathing issues, deep back-bending, stretching, and deep breathing. These help open the chest and lung muscles which improve the respiratory system.
  • Improve the spine flexibility, makes it more supple, and mobility of the joints and ankles.
  • Intense stretching of the muscles and spine stimulates the abdominal and neck organs. Including the kidney, liver, pancreas, and glands like the thyroid and pituitary. They are improving the functioning of these organs and making them healthy.
  • It stretches the body and muscles like the chest, arms, shoulders, back, and wrist. So this will strengthen the muscles and prevent the risk of injury.

How To Do Upward Bow Pose A Step-By-Step Instructions

  • Lying down on the mat with your back flat on the floor with arms at your sides keep breathing and relax.
  • Ensure your entire spine touches the floor and focus on the lower back. Keep breathing throughout the process.
  • Bend both knees, keep the feet flat and parallel near the buttocks. Against the hips muscles.
  • The feet balls and toes are firmly pressed on the ground, which helps you to better stability and balance.
  • Raise your arms overhead, bend your elbows, and put both palms near the ears and close to the shoulders.
  • Fingertips pointing toward the shoulders, under the shoulder elbow, keep shoulder width apart.
  • Inhale engage the core muscles, and press the feet on the ground. Contract the glutes and quadriceps muscles.
  • Lift the hips upward toward the ceiling as possible as you can. Squeeze the muscles inward helping the hips to lift upward.
  • Press the palms on the ground and lift the upper body, shoulder, and head upward toward the ceiling. Ensure the forearms and elbow should be straight.
  • Make an arch of the back, and divide the body weight equally on the palm and sole. Keep balance the entire body weight on the arms and legs.
  • Hold the posture for 5-10 breaths or per your body’s stamina. keep breathing throughout the posture.
  • Release the pose, exhale put the hips and head down, and come down on the ground and rest. Repeat the pose for 3-4 times.

Contraindications Of The Upward Bow Pose

The Upward Bow Pose (URDHVA DHANUASANA) is an advanced variation of the bow pose. It requires lots of stretches of the spine and the entire body. That needs stamina, flexibility, and stability. Here are some contraindications of this pose explained below

  • A person with injury in the spine(slip disc), neck, shoulder, and arms should avoid performing this pose. It needs a deep back-bend that can worsen the injury conditions.
  • People with cervical pain, stiff neck, and heart issues should avoid performing pose. That may cause chronic pain in the neck and heart.
  • People with weak wrists, elbows, and shoulders should avoid performing this pose. It causes major injury and cracks in these body parts.
  • Pregnant women and senior citizens avoid doing this pose. It requires core and muscle strength and stamina flexibility to do this.
  • Patients with glaucoma, hernia, migraine, and vertigo should avoid performing this pose. It can cause dizziness and weakness.
  • Before performing this pose warm up the body and stretch the entire body. Try this pose before mastering the basic stretching poses like the Bridge, camel pose.

Other Variations Of The Bow-Pose


The Upward Bow Pose is an advanced level deep stretching variation of the basic bow pose. It energizes the entire body and pushes the limit of the body beyond the boundaries. If You want to challenge your body and add a new pose to your yoga routine then this is for you. It is a heart-opening yoga posture that improves heart health and opens the chest. This pose connects the body, mind, and heart and develops emotional satisfaction. This pose needs lots of practice and time to achieve perfection.

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