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Health Benefits Of The Bound Hand Humble Warrior 1 Pose


The Bound Hound Humble warrior-/ pore is a great variation of the warrior-1. It is a combination of the traditional Virabhadrasana” with a deep forward bend with bound arms. It is an advanced variation of the basic pose. A standing forward bend position allows deep stretch of hips and chest. The other name of this Rose is “Baddha Virabhadrasana in Sanskrit language, means.

  • Baddha-Lock
  • Vira- Warrior
  • Bhadra-Friend
  • Asana-Pose / Posters

This pose strengthens the core and legs and stretches the hips, Chest, Shoulders, and hips. Article, we explore the amazing benefits, how to do it, and contraindications of the Humble Warrior -1 pose.

The Basic of the Humble Warrior – 1 Pose

The Humble warrior-1 pose is an advanced version of the traditional ” Virabhadrasana”. A Standing Hands bound forward Bending posture. It provides a deep stretch and requires core strength to achieve more balance.

  • Name- Humble warrior-1 Pose/ Baddha Virabhadrasana
  • Level- Intermediate
  • Position- Standing, Forward Bending
  • Type- forward. Bend, stretch
  • Target Muscles- Upper & lower body

Benefits of the Humble Warrior-1 Pose

Baddha Virabhadrasana offers many Physical and mental health benefits to your body. in this pose turning, bending, and deep stretch that revitalizes the body and calm the mind. Here we discuss the amazing potential benefits of this pose given below the following

  • Deep stretch improves your overall range of motion (Mobility) and flexibility of your hips, chest, and shoulders.
  • Strengthens your core, legs, and shoulder muscles.
  • Engaging core muscles, with a lengthening spine, improves your alignment and is also good for proper body posture.
  • Improve balance Because holding the position requires focus and balance.
  • Improving blood circulation encourages healthy blood flow to all body parts.
  • The deep stretch helps release tension in the muscles. A powerful stress reliever poses and deep breathing calms the mind.
  • Improve your inner power and self-confidence with a sense of strength and determination.

How to do Bound Hand Humble warrior-1 pose

  1. Stand in warriors-1 (Virabhadrasana-1) with a lunge posture With knees with feet firmly on the ground.
  2. The right knee bends at 90 degrees over the ankle and keeps the hips turned towards the front of your face.
  3. Inhale, Bring your arms behind the back and clasp your hand with lock  your fingers
  4. Exhale, Bend your upper body (torso) forward, and hinge at your hips. Lengthens the tailbone and avoids rounding the back.
  5. Bring your chest towards your front thigh and rest your forehead on your Shinbone. That can help you in a deeper stretch.
  6. Stretch your arms overhead for more Stretch. Hold this posture for 4-5 breaths or a few seconds.
  7. To release, unlock your finger, lower the arms and legs, put them backward together, and relax.

Contraindications of Bound Hand Humble warriors-1 pose

This pose has many potent benefits for your body but it is not suitable for everyone. Here are some physical situations where it is best to avoid this hose to practice. We discuss some contraindications of this pose given below the following.

  • Recent Injuries or Surgery to your hips, knees, shoulders, wrists, and neck avoid this pose.
  • It requires flexibility and strength for deep stretching. If you have tight muscles avoid this pose.
  • A person with High blood pressure and heart problems avoids this pose. A forward bend can increase your blood pressure.
  • A person with vertigo, migraine, and severe balance issues avoid this pose. Because forward Bend can trigger your dizziness and worsen the condition
  • If you have back pain, herniated discs or spine problems avoid the pose, which can worsen your back condition.
  • Pregnant women avoid this pose. It requires lots of balance and focus for deep Stretching.

Other Variations Of The Warrior-1 Pose

  • Bound Hand Humble Warrior-1
  • Warrior-1 Pose Eagle Arms
  • Warrior Pose With A Chair


The bound hand humble warrior-1 pose or Baddha Virabhadrasana is a powerful pose. It is a union of warrior-1 with deep forward bend and bound arms. Deep stretching enhances flexibility and improves the overall range of motion. This pose strengthens the upper and lower body and improves balance and stability. Regular practice of this pose has many benefits. It encourages healthy blood flow and boosts your energy.

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