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Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms


The Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms is the best modified version of the basic Chair Pose (Utkatasana). This pose is a mixture of the Chair Pose (Utkatasana) and the Eagle Pose (Garudasana). Intermediate level standing squat position posture is an advanced version of the Utkatasana. The other name of this asana is “Utkatasana Variation Eagle Arms”. Hold a sitting position on an imaginary chair with eagle arms variation. It is quite a challenging and advanced version that increases balance, flexibility, and focus.

In this article, we will explore the amazing benefits, basics, and precautions of this pose. And complete a step-by-step tutorial on how to do the chair pose variation eagle arms.

Basics of Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms

  • Level – Beginner to Intermediate
  • Position – Standing Squad
  • Type – Twist and Balance
  • Target Muscle – Core, Shoulders, Ankles, and Hips

Benefits of Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms

This asana is an excellent variation of the Utkatasana and comes with many physical and mental health benefits. It offers combined benefits from both poses the chair pose and the eagle arms pose.

This utkatasana variation assists in the opening, activating, and balancing the following chakra/chakras:

  • Root chakra
  • Sacral Chakra

Anatomically this pose works the upper, middle, and lower body parts. It includes the chest, core, shoulder, back, legs, knees, and ankles. It helps improve balance, flexibility, and stability and relieves joint pain. Here we discuss the amazing benefits of this pose

  • Strengthens legs and core muscles by holding the squat position.
  • Strengthens core, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves’ muscles.
  • Improve balance and stability by balancing the pose on one leg.
  • Improve flexibility by stretching the chest, shoulders, and arms.
  • Intense stretching and twisting improve the range of motion.
  • Reduce the stiffness and tension of the muscles.
  • Improve heart and lung health by deep breathing and chest opening.
  • Relive the from the flat foot and create an arch between your feet.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety also promotes mindfulness and a sense of calm.
  • Stimulate the abdominal and digestive organs and prevent constipation.

How To Do Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms: Step-By-Step Instructions

This pose is a combination of the chair pose and the Eagle pose an upgraded and challenging version. In this pose the arms variation comes from the Eagle Pose (Garudasana) twisting arms to each other. The other part is holding a position like sitting on a chair but imaginary also called a lady-like pose.

Here we explain a full step-by-step tutorial of doing the chair pose variation eagle arms. Please read it carefully before performing this pose given below

  1. Stand straight in the mountain pose (Tadasana) with feet together and hip-width apart.
  2. Coming into the chair pose (Utkatasana) bend your knees and keep your back straight.
  3. Ensure your thighs are parallel to the floor and lengthen your tailbone and spine.
  4. Once you get into the chair pose, lift your right foot from the ground and balance on the left leg.
  5. Now try to wrap your right thigh over the left leg and hook your left calf with the help of your right foot.
  6. Balance your entire body weight on the right leg and maintain the posture.
  7. Press your right leg firmly on the ground to achieve more stability and balance.
  8. Now bring your arms parallel to the shoulder. Cross your left elbow over the right elbow and bring your palms together.
  9. Try to clap your palms together, if you are not comfortable to clap the palms together, just put your hand on the shoulders. Lift your elbows to your shoulder height to stretch more.
  10. Hold this pose for 4-5 breaths and maintain the balance and posture. Keep breathing throughout the pose.
  11. To release, exhale, straighten your legs and lower the arms down, and relax.
  12. Repeat the same pose with the other side.

Contraindications of the Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms

This pose requires lots of balance, focus, stability, and stamina to hold the pose on one leg. This advanced version of the chair pose comes with some limitations and risk factors. Here we discuss the contraindication of this pose. Hope you read them carefully before performing this pose.

  • Injury in shoulders, ankles, and knees.
  • Severe balancing issues.
  • Migraine, vertigo, high or low blood pressure patients.
  • Slip-disc and sciatica issues in the spine.
  • Arthritis and joint pain.
  • Lower, upper, and middle back pain.
  • Pain in shoulders, ankles, and knees.
  • Pregnant women and senior citizens.
  • Recent surgery in ankles, shoulders, and knees.
  • A person with a weak body and low stamina.

They all should avoid performing this pose. Always perform this pose under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher. Consult your specialist doctor in situations of chronic pain, surgery, and any injury.


The Chair Pose Variation Eagle Arms is the combination of the two great poses that is the chair and eagle. It is advanced and challenging variations with intense twisting and bending. This is an excellent pose for athletes, climbers, and trackers. Intense stretching strengthens the muscles and improves the balance. If you want to add more challenges to your daily yoga routine this pose is good exercise.

If you have any queries or suggestions, please leave a comment. We’ll be pleased to answer all your queries. Thank you.

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