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An Excellent Variation Of The Eagle Pose: Seated Eagle Pose

Last updated on June 26th, 2024 at 12:31 pm


The Seated Eagle Pose is another excellent variation of the basic Garudasana. It is a beginner-friendly variation of the Eagle pose and perform while seated on the ground. Traditional Garudasana is standing one-legged balancing it requires balance, flexibility, and stamina to hold the posture. Seated Eagle poses an easy and simple version of the Garudasana it challenges the entire upper body. It targets the muscles of the upper back, Shoulder, arms, and lower back, without balancing on your legs

In this article, we explore another amazing and easy variation of the Garudasana” The Seated Eagle Pose”. Its benefits, how to do this pose, and contraindications of this pose. Stay with us to learn more about this pose.

The Basic of the Seated Eagle pose

This asana is performed on the sitting on the floor with cross legs and the arms twisted together. It is a beginner-level yoga asana and can be done anywhere and anytime easily. The amazing benefits of this pose are quite similar to the basic pose.

  • Name- Seated Eagle pose / Seated Garudasana
  • Level- Beginner
  • Positions-Sitting
  • Type-Twist
  • Target muscles – upper body

Benefits of the Seated Eagle pose

The Seated “Garudasana” has various amazing benefits for your physical and mental health. Here are some benefits of this pose given below the following

  • Improve Shoulder and upper body mobility. It helps improve the range of motion and relieve tension and stiffness.
  • The twisting motion of the arms can help tone and strengthen the muscles of your arms and shoulders.
  • It Improves blood circulation in your upper body part and supplies more oxygen to the upper body.
  • Sitting on the floor can help improve balance and awareness. It also connects you from the ground and keeps your mind calm.
  • The cross-legged sitting posture on the floor Improves flexibility of hips and thighs.
  • This pose gradually improves your stamina and can help you perform the Eagle pose on one leg.
  • Deep breathing and holding posture for a few seconds improve your focus. It can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.

How to do The Seated Eagle Pose A Step-By-Step Process

This variation of the “Garudasana” is performed sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position. Seated on the floor with eagle arms helps you improve the balance and flexibility of your body. Here we learn a step-by-step process of performing this pose.

  1. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position(Sukhasna) on the floor your arms resting on your thighs.
  2. Extend your arms to the sides at your shoulder height and palms facing down.
  3. Bend your elbows, Bring your arms together and elbows close to each other.
  4. Cross your left arm over your right forearm and palms touch together.
  5. Ensure The spine is straight and the shoulder is relaxed position.
  6. Hold this posture for a few seconds or 5-10 breaths. You can hold this posture as long as you are comfortable.
  7. To release the pose, untwist your arms, bring your arms back to your thighs, and Relax.

Contraindication Of The Seated Eagle Pose

Here are some contraindications and risk factors involved in performing this pres. Please keep them in mind before performing the seated Eagle pose.

  • Recent shoulders, wrist, and neck surgery avoid this pose.
  • If you have injuries to knees, and ankles avoid this pose. The cross-legged sitting position worsens your injury conditions.
  • If you have carpal tunnel syndrome or wrist pain avoid this pose. This hose can aggravate your pain.
  • A person suffering from chronic pain in the knees, shoulders, wrists, and ankles avoids this pose.
  • A person with arthritis in the knees and the cross-legged position can increase your arthritis. Arthritis patients can perform this pose sitting on a chair.

Other Variations Of The Eagle Pose(Garudasana)

  • Reclined Eagle Pose
  • Eagle Pose Chair
  • Inverted Eagle Pose
  • Half Eagle Pose


The eagle pose (Garudasana) is a beginner to intermediate-level yoga asana. It comes with many playful amazing variations and poses with many benefits. The Seated Eagle Pose(Seated Garudasna) is one of the best variations of the Garudasana and has many benefits. For a person with severe balancing issues, vertigo, and dizziness then this pose is great. Regular practice of this pose can improve your balance and flexibility. Senior citizens, children, and pregnant women can also perform this pose.

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