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Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1) Benefits

Last updated on June 26th, 2024 at 12:31 pm


Warrior-I pose is a wonderful standing yoga posture a full-body workout. This yoga pose engages the body from head to toe and is a starting yoga pose of yoga class. It helps to warm up and Calm the mind. The other name of this pose is Virabhadrasana 1″, a Sanskrit language-derived word, which means is-

  • Vira- Hero, warrior
  • Bhadra- Freind
  • Asana Pose \Posture

A beginner-level yoga asana is a good combination of standing and balancing. This asana is named after an incarnation of lord Shiva Veerbhadra a fearless warrior. This pose represents power, immer ability, and self-enlightenment (overcome ego and ignorance). This pose requires strength and stamina of the core, upper body, and legs. That can help improve focus, stability, and physical & Mental health.

This article explores the benefits, how to do warrior-1, variation, and contraindications of this pose. Stay with us to learn how this pose improves your physical & mental health.

The Basics Of The Warrior-1 Pose

  • Name- Warrior-1\ Virabhadrasana-1\Warrior Pose-1
  • Level- beginner
  • Positions- Standing
  • Type- Stretch, Balance
  • Target Muscles- Upper and Lower Back

Benefits Of Warrior-1 pose

Warrior-1 pose offers many benefits to your physical & mental health. Such as strengthening your upper and lower body, and opening hips and chest muscles. It has many amazing benefits for your entire body Here we discuss some amazing benefits of this pose, given below the following

Improve Strength

This pose includes deep stretching of the upper and lower body such as the gluteus, Shoulder, shme, quadriceps, and hamstrings. That helps to improve the strength of muscles and keep them toned & fit.

Improve Flexibility

Regular practice of this pose improves flexibility and the range of motions (Mobility). Intense stretch of arms, shoulders, and legs. It Improves flexibility and strengthens the legs, ankles, and feet

Improve Respiratory System

In the pose stretching arms toward the ceiling. This deep or Intense stretch of arms opens up the chest cavity. This pose helps to stimulate the organs of the respiratory system.

Improve focus and awareness

Balancing body weight feet, and arms stretched above the head. This promotes concentration focus and awareness of the mind. This pose improves your focus and also boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Improve posture

This pose improves the alignment and posture of the body. Deep stretching lengthens the spine toward the ceiling and improves your posture.

Energizing muscles

A deep stretching of arms, legs, and hips energizes the muscles such as hips, thighs, and shoulders. Stretching and expanding motions of the arms and legs reduce muscle tension and stiffness.

Other benefits

  • Stimulates the abdominal and digestive organs that help improve the functioning of these organs and prevent constipation, infertility, and menstruation cramps.
  • Improve blood circulation in the body. Deep breathing improves the lung capacity, which is good for asthma patients.
  • Holding this pose requires lots of focus, muscle control, and awareness. This pose improves your balance and stability.
  • Maintaining balance and deep breathing reduces anxiety and stress and promotes relaxation.

How To Do Warrior-1 Pose a Step-By-Step Process

  1. Stand straight in a Mountain Pose hip-width apart arms at your sides. Separate your feet with a little gap between both legs.
  2. Bring your left leg step back and align your right heel with your your left heel
  3. Turn your left foot toes outward at a 45-degree angle. Bend your right knee at a 90-degree angle over your ankle.
  4. Now Bring your upper body (torso) facing Forward. your left hip forward and right hip slightly back
  5. Engage your core muscles by lengthening your Spine towards the navel.
  6. Inhale, raise your arms overhead and arms should be straight with palms facing each other.
  7. Now lift your chest and roll your Shoulder blades down.
  8. Hold this posture for a few seconds or 5-10 breaths. Try to focus on your breaths and balance the good posture.
  9. When you want to release, exhale lower your arms to release the pose, and return to  The Mounatins Pose.

Tips For The Beginners

Here we suggest some important and excellent tips for the beginner that help them to perform this pose without facing any problem.

  • Choose a stable and comfortable place to perform this pose with balance.
  • Ensure your gaze is focused on one point in front of you.
  • Raising arms overhead is difficult so bring your hands to your hips or in a prayer position.
  • Beginners to maintain balance in this pose using a chair or wall support.

Contraindications Of The Warrior-1 pose

This pose offers many physical and mental health benefits for your body while it offers benefits. There are some situations and physical condition is better to avoid this pose to prevent the injury. Here are some contraindications of this pose given below the following

  • If you have a recent or existing injury to your shoulder, hips, knees, and ankles avoid this pose.
  • A person with severe balancing issues or problems in balancing avoids this pose. Use a wall or chair support to perform this pose without any problem.
  • A person with high or low blood pressure, vertigo, or migraine avoids this pose.
  • If you feel pain in your knees, ankles, hips, and shoulder avoid this pose and rest.
  • A person with arthritis or joint pain avoid this pose. It may cause chronic pain or strain in the knees.
  • Pregnant women, senior citizens, and weakened body persons should avoid this pose. Consult your doctor or yoga instructor before performing this pose.

Other Variations Of The Warrior-1 Pose

This pose comes with many amazing easy and challenging variations to modify your yoga routine. Here we suggest some wonderful variations of the Warrior-1 pose given below the following.

  • Baddha Virabhadrasana(Humble Warrior Pose)
  • Warrior Eagle Arms Pose
  • Warrior Pose With Chair
  • Warrior Pose Hand On Hips

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How Long Should You Hold Warrior-1 Pose?

It depends on your practice levels if someone is new to yoga then should hold this pose for 3-5 breaths. As a long practitioner, you can hold this pose for 30 seconds or 8-10 breaths. As long as you can increase your practice time to hold this pose increases gradually.

Q.2 What Chakra Is Warrior-1 Pose?

Warrior-1 activates and balances many charkas of your body including
The Root Chakra(Muladhara Chakra)
Sacral Chakra(Svadhisthana Chakra)
Solar Plexus Chakra(Manipura)

Q.3 Is Warrior-1 a beginner Pose?

Yes, this pose is a standing balancing pose a beginner-level yoga pose. Gentle stretching and expanding arms and legs is an easy and simple practice for beginners. This pose is a starting pose of every yoga session and a warmup pose.


Warrior-1 pose is a standing one of the common yoga poses to boost balance and stability. It requires focus. determination and balance to practice this pose, which improves awareness and focus. It helps strengthen and stretch the upper and lower body such as legs, glutes, hip flexors, and calf. It boosts energy and improves self-confidence and self-esteem. Regular practice of this pose promotes good posture and spinal alignment.

If you have any queries or suggestions, please leave a comment. We will pleased to answer all your queries. Thank you.

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